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Replacement and Invoicing:
Shipping Address Change
Removed status line and made small grammar changes.
Status: PennWest Edinboro is currently borrowing. Our lending side is still on hold. (updated: 2/21/2023).
Invoices paid by check should be made out to: Pennsylvania Western University. Email address updated: speters@pennwest.edu
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania has changed its name to PennWest Edinboro. Email Contact has changed to: speters@pennwest.edu
No description entered
Shipping address change
Replacement Lost Item Policy:
We are now accepting UPS returns as of 7-20-2020.
Circulation Supervisor is now John Widner, widner@edinboro.edu phone number is (814) 732-2175 Also phone number change for Selma Peters (814) 732-1888